Centurions Feedback Survey
The following survey aims to gauge satisfaction and overall impressions towards the game over the first three months of play. This poll will be open to responses from January 11 to January 18.

The survey takes about 5 minutes to be filled out. Please take the time to give us your thoughts, as they'll help us adjust course to make ~Centurions an always fun and welcoming home. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us in the Member Dropbox.

All players should respond only once, regardless of how many characters they play. The survey is anonymous. All questions are optional, but we ask that you answer as many as possible.

My timezone is:
Your answer
I'm usually available for roleplay purposes:
1. Below you'll find a list of 23 statements about preferences of play and content engagement. Please check the option which most closely relates to how you feel about the statement. Please avoid selecting "neither agree, nor disagree" when possible.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree, nor disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I try to comment every post on the friends-page that is open to comments.
I only read updates by my storyline partners.
I am happy with the pace of the friends-page.
I am happy with the content of the friends-page.
It's easy to get interaction and form organic storylines with established members.
The friends-page moves too fast.
I like to plot out connections OOC, but don't always comment them IC.
I always comment people first when trying to get interaction.
I don't always comment storyline posts because I prefer to form connections organically.
I always try to participate in group events, even if sometimes time constraints forbid it.
There are too many group activities on the friends-page.
As a established member, I always try to comment intros and make new characters feel welcome.
I feel comfortable posting vulnerable content of my character's history on the friends-page.
I like to plot out connections OOC, and always comment them IC.
I feel comfortable approaching the moderators with questions and suggestions.
I have felt excluded from interaction before.
I wait for others to comment me first when trying to get interaction.
I feel left out in group events.
There are too few group activities on the friends-page.
I've approached the mods before and felt like my concerns weren't properly addressed.
My experience as a new member in the community has been welcoming.
I try to read all the updates, even when I don't always comment the posts.
I have felt excluded from interaction often.
2. Below you'll find a list of 20 statements about game plot. Please check the option which most closely relates to how you feel about the statement. Please avoid selecting "neither agree, nor disagree" when possible.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree, nor disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I like the 3-tier plot structure (game-wide, faction & personal plot tiers).
I understand what each faction stands for.
I find the plot structure confusing.
My character doesn't fit in any of the suggested factions or the neutrals.
I'm not sure what each faction stands for.
I feel like it's easy to engage in the game-wide and faction plot.
I feel left out of game-wide and faction plot.
My interactions in plot posts have been positive.
I find the mod plot posts confusing.
The mod plot posts are clear and concise.
I feel comfortable to volunteer in the game-wide plot.
I feel like FMW plot is difficult to follow.
I find game-wide and faction plot easy to follow and understand.
I feel like FMW plot helps me develop my characters.
I feel ignored in plot posts.
My characters have an easy time engaging in FMW plot.
There are too many mod plot events.
The game-wide and faction plot feels restrictive.
I enjoy the plot options offered to my character.
I am satisfied with the way the past FMWs have turned out.
3. When I don't comment posts, it's usually because:
4. When I don't read updates, it's usually because:
5. Which of these would you like to see more of on the friends-page? Check up to THREE options.
6. How would you rate your overall experience at Centurions?
7. Do you have suggestions for other kinds of activities you'd like to see on the friends-page? Please specify below.
Your answer
8. Any other suggestions on how to improve the game?
Your answer
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